Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

The symposium will be held in Turkish, English and Arabic. Each presentation is restricted to 15-20 minutes.

The full text of the paper should not be published previously or currently presented for publication anywhere.

Abstracts of the accepted submissions will be published prior to the symposium in an abstract booklet, and a number of the presentations will be published after being evaluated by the reviewers.

The abstracts and full-texts should be written according to the following criteria and sent to “” email address.

Page Structure:

1-    Submissions texts to be written as vertical in A4 format; the margins should be 2.5 cm on all sides and the line spacing should be 1.5 cm.

2-    These texts should be contain page numbers.

Text Format and Fonts:

1-    Submission full-texts should be written in MS Word and page layout is A4 format.

2-    Submission title should be in capital letters, bold, 12 pt., Times New Roman font, justified. The text of the submission should be written in 12. pt 1.5 line spacing and footnotes in 10 pt. single line spacing and justified.

3-    The title should be followed by author’s name, title, surname, affiliation, ORCID ID, email address and mobile number with character size 10.

4-    Abstract title, abstract and keywords should be in 9 pt, single line spacing and justified.

5-    Abstracts should be written in Turkish, they should not exceed 200 words; the full-texts should not be longer than 15-16 pages.

Footnotes and Bibliography:

1-    Footnotes and bibliography should be written in accordance with ISNAD citation system (for details and ISNAD’s second edition citation   management   software   add-ons   like   EndNote, Zotero   and Mendeley, see

2-    In writing non-Turkish specific name (religion, sect, person, Surah, etc.), the TDV Encyclopaedia of Islam should be observed.

3-    Keywords consisting of minimum five words or concepts should be placed immediately after the Abstract.

4-    Short citation should be place in inverted commas, long citations should be given nonquote, by entering 2 cm from the left after the paragraph heading, leaving two lines from the beginning and the end. Footnotes should be at the bottom of the page.

5-    Bibliography should be listed alphabetically at the end of the submission text.

This content was issued on 18.05.2021 and has been viewed for 280 times.